Mini App

What is Mini App?

Mini App is an app within the super app, KBZPay. Within the super app, there is a widget which can just be easily accessible. And the runtime of a mini app is just a Web-view in it. It gives miniature app-like experiences within the super hosted app , KBZPay’s ecosystem.

Benefits of Mini App
Size of the Mini App

Mini Apps
in KBZPay

Discover and access Mini Apps through these four pathways for a seamless user experience.

How to
become Mini App?

Merchant Inquiry

Business Documentation Process

Business Integration/Mini App Development

App Testing Process

Go Live

Make Announcement

Merchant Inquiry

Business Documentation Process

Business Integration/Mini App Development

App Testing Process

Go Live

Make Announcement

Want to be

a Mini App?

    (You will be replied within 2-3 Business Days.)