All KBZPay users (level 1, level 1.5 and level 2) and new users can participate in this campaign.
There are a total of 5 different color balloons (Red, Yellow, Purple, Green, Blue) to collect in this campaign. Additionally, there is also one rainbow color balloon which can convert to any color balloon.
The following ways are to collect the different color balloons…
- Get one random color balloon by inviting new users to join the pocket money campaign. When every 3 friends register from your invite link, you will get one rainbow balloon which can convert to any color among 5 colors.
- Get one random color balloon per day by sharing about the pocket money campaign with friends.
- Get one random color balloon by making QR or shortcode payment with a minimum amount of 5,000 MMK once per day.
- Get one random color balloon by making airtime top up a minimum amount of 5,000 MMK per day.
- Get one random color balloon by browsing KBZPay market per day.
- Get one random color balloon by visiting KBZPay official account one time per day.
- Get one random color balloon by visiting KBZPay’s mini game per day.
Collecting balloons period starts from 15 November 2021 to 18 November 2021 and pocket money can be opened on each day of 17 and 18 November 2021 at 7 PM
Customers who only have one color balloon can still open the pocket money. Customers who have collected 5 color balloons can get more share of pocket money by collecting more color balloons.
Let’s win a big amount of Pocket Money this time by collecting the color balloons in this Tazaungdaing festival.
Please see more detail about the campaign in this link.
To download KBZPay
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