KBZPay Merchants and Agents can get a chance to win up to 1,000,000 MMK by onboarding KBZPay Level 2 new users during the campaign period.
The more new KBZPay Level 2 users onboarded , the higher chance of getting to the top of the ranking list and getting the rewards. There will be one prize for 1,000,000 MMK, ten prizes for 200,000 MMK, ten prizes for 100,000 MMK, twenty prizes for 50,000 MMK and twenty-four prizes for 10,000 MMK.
Campaign period is from December 23rd, 2021 to 1st January, 2022.
So onboard new KBZPay Level 2 accounts now and get rewards. Click this link for terms and conditions of this campaign.
To download KBZPay
Android Version: http://bit.ly/2RP3U0N
iOS Version: https://apple.co/31igRU